L'adaptació anglesa de Tu i Jo ja ha començat la seva gira pel Regne Unit en la qual visitarà Exeter, Londres, Brighton... Aviat comença la nostra!
El 12 de maig a Hostalric, a principis de juny a Santa Cristina d'Aro...

Aquesta és la ressenya que L'institut Ramon Llull n'ha fet:

"You and me – Little Soldiers Productions UK tour

The theatre performance is based on the awarded Roger Simeon's playwright Tu i joYou and me will be presented at the Blue Elephant in London, as well as in Exeter, Devon and at the Brighton Fringe Festival. The show mixes English, Catalan and Spanish.

Two elderly Spanish sisters live in a foreign land against the backdrop of a battered rug and a mountain of mysterious boxes. They share an existence of outrageous defamation, tender reminiscing and pure madness, careering between affection and annoyance. But is their behaviour just eccentricity or something more destructive? You and Me blends laugh-out-loud comedy with empathy in a moving exploration of old age and the effects of dementia. 
Performed by two Catalan actresses living in London (Mercè Ribot and Patrícia Rodriguez), Little Soldier Productions is presenting an adaptation of Roger Simeon’s awarded playwright. As part of its UK tour, You & Me will be performed at the Blue Elephant Theatre in London from the 2nd to the 27th of April and during the Brighton Festival at The Nightingale Theatre during in May. Please find the rest of the dates and venues below. 
To create the show, actresses Patricia Rodríguez and Mercè Ribot teamed up with director Bryony Shanahan (Bitch Boxer, Soho Theatre). Drawing directly from the actors’ cultural identities and sense of displacement, Shanahan’s adaptation of Roger Simeon’s absurd text Tu i Jo (Premi Boira Prize for New Writing, 2010) is a unique and original depiction of dementia - with a non-conventional narrative style which combines physical comedy, live music and several languages. 
Little Soldier Productions was formed by Rodríguez and Ribot in 2010 and You and Meis its second show. Its work focuses on promoting cross-cultural artistic collaborations and creating shows that explore the humour in even the most unlikely of situations.
Forthcoming performances of You and me
March 21st-23rd: The Bikeshed, Exeter 
April 2nd- to April 27th (Tuesday to Saturday): The Blue Elephant, London 
May 7th: The Plough, Arts Centre Devon 
May 17th-19th: The Nightingale, Brighton Fringe Festival